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Pelvic Floor Course

What's going on down there?

an Online Course

We created this course for to empower you and learn all you can about this fascinating piece to the puzzle that is your body. So cozy up, grab a notebook, and get ready to learn the exercises and strategies you can implement today to have your most optimal pelvic health.

About The Course

Pelvic Floor health can be a pretty taboo subject. We get questions all the time about the pelvic floor and because there's only so much we can teach in class, we thought we'd dive deeper with this course! Many clients have approached me after class saying they could never run because they would pee their pants. So many people have mentioned urinary incontinence or urgency, pain with intercourse, and Pelvic Floor Prolapse. 

Well now there are solutions and you don’t need to travel any further than your own home to access them! We have created this course for the mamas, the patients with chronic lower back pain, the people who want to hit a P.R. while weightlifting without injury, the runner’s who can’t seem to figure out their hip pain, etc etc etc.

Meet Your Instructors

Becky Sheehey

Hey! I’m Becky Sheehey, a certified Kinesiologist and Pilates Instructor with over 9 years of experience in corrective exercise.

I co-created this course because over the years of teaching Pilates and rehabilitative exercise, I have found that the pelvic floor can seem quite confusing to many and we are always getting questions about it. I am not so sure I fully understood the Pelvic Floor myself until becoming a mother. That’s when I decided to empower myself by learning everything I could about the Pelvic Floor! Growing a baby, prepping for birth, and the aftercare of delivery all very much relates to the Pelvic Floor. 

Now I see Pelvic Floor issues literally everywhere and wish more people had access to a learning module where they could learn what I’ve learned in their own space and at their own pace. Well now you can! Check out this course Telsi & I have lovingly created with YOU in mind.

Telsi Szanyi

Hi friends! I’m Telsi Szanyi, Becky’s Kinesiology assistant and certified Pilates Instructor. I have worked in the movement industry since 2015 and I specialize in human biomechanics.

I love teaching people how their bodies function as a whole moving unit. One great way to learn about your body as a whole is to break it down into its parts and see how these parts interact with the other parts of your body.One of those parts is the pelvic floor! Everybody has a pelvic floor, and the pelvic floor has an incredible impact on our day to day experiences.In particular the pelvic floor has quite direct connections with parts of your body such as your hips, low back, and vital organs. Check this course out to learn more!


1. Introduction

2. Myths Busted

3. Pelvic Floor Anatomy

3. Pelvic Floor Exercises 

4. Common Dysfunctions

5. Pelvic Floor Class

Pelvic Floor Course: What's going on down there?

Register for the Course

A one-time purchase of $50.


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